Download the APK of App Backup Restore - Transfer for Android for free. Create backups of all your apps. If you need to create a backup of any of your apps.
2022年2月21日 — When I use Amaze File manager (also on FDroid) I can use the App manager to create a backup of the APK even of paid apps. You should be able ...
Backup apk displays all the applications that the user has backed up. Users can easily install the application, delete it from the list of archives or share ...
2022年2月20日 — How can I make a backup of an APK? QUESTION ... So I want to back up the latest version I had installed on a phone. ... transfer app as apk. Upvote
2010年10月27日 — Long press any app you want to extract (you can select multiple or all apps at once), and click on the extract option you see in the top. You ...
In Android you can easily backup all your apps using a free file manager app called File Explorer, a popular app to manage all your files and folders. If you ...